The Benefits of a Wooden Roof

Using wood as a roofing material has several benefits. A few examples include their longevity, resistance to termites, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. The fact that wood is biodegradable and harmless to the environment is just one more perk.


If you want a natural look and long lasting durability, a wood roof is a terrific option. However, wood roofing also needs extensive upkeep. Whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or on the hunt for a professional, here are a few things to keep in mind.

For instance, the durability of your roof will change depending on the kind of wood you select. There are many kinds of wood to choose from, and each has its own special qualities.

Cedar wood, for instance, has a high inherent durability and a long lifespan. Because of this, it is a common material for wooden roofs. The most popular wood, cedar, is susceptible to deterioration, though. The effects of oxidation and other kinds of weathering can be mitigated by using a UV light inhibitor.

Furthermore, the quality of your roof will depend on the grade of the wood chosen. Cedar shakes, for instance, are more robust due to their greater thickness and weatherproofing. Because of this, they can outlast shingles.


Using a wood shingle for your roof may give your property a rustic yet refined appearance. It can also help keep your home cool throughout the warmer months. There are, however, a few considerations you should make before committing to this style of roofing.

Water may easily rot wood roofs, making them unsafe for use. Mold and mildew can grow on it, therefore routine maintenance is required.

The local weather will determine how long your wooden roof will last. The type of tree you use will also have a role. Cedar, for example, is naturally resistant to both water and insects.

A wood roof has a 20-year life expectancy. However, it may not hold up as well in a humid environment.

Protection Against Termites

Termites are a serious problem for any roofing structure. Fortunately, if you take care while selecting your constructing materials, you won't have to worry about an infestation. However, termite damage can still happen, resulting in expensive fixes. The following are some suggestions for securing your structure.

Be sure your timber is termite-proof if you live in a wooden house. Cedar has a built-in defense against pests like termites. Moreover, it has a component that is poisonous to termites.

Keep the area around the wood well-sealed to prevent termites from entering your home. Your home's structural components and any other potential entry points for termites fall under this category. You should also get rid of anything that might attract insects by serving as food for them.

It is important to apply frame pretreatment before constructing your home. This implies you shouldn't install any doors or walls, whether they're on the inside or the outside, until the wood has been properly treated. This process must precede any wood coming into contact with the ground or air.

Conservation of Energy

Putting up a wood roof that is also energy efficient has several benefits. Strengthening your roof is one way to save down on energy bills while also making your house more aesthetically pleasing. However, a new roof installation might be challenging. The location of your home and the materials you use should be major considerations.

Wood shingles come in a wide variety of styles and species. You may find them in many different hues and surface treatments. Installing a hue that complements your home's style might be helpful in keeping it looking its best.

A dark roof, for instance, can aid in snow melting and keep a home warmer in the winter. On the other hand, roofs with lighter colors absorb less heat since the sun's rays are reflected. Choosing the proper color for your roof shingles can also increase their durability.


A homeowner may be curious about the odor after putting on a new roof. When asphalt shingles are sealed, a distinct odor is released. Some people will notice a heavy tar-like odor, while others won't.

It's also worth noting that not every roof has a distinctive odor. There may be a temporary tar-like smell to some of them. Some roofing materials, such as reinforced polyurethane, have little to no odor. Having the roof redone might be necessary if the smell lingers.

Tar-like odors can linger in the air for weeks if you have them. When temperatures rise, the stink may become more noticeable. The elimination of unpleasant odors can be hastened by using turbine vents.


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