Does Massage Help With Stress?

The subject of whether or not massage treatment can be used to alleviate stress is a common one. Many individuals think that massage might help them relax and unwind. There are numerous unanswered issues concerning the efficacy of massage treatment for relieving stress, yet the available data is limited.

Ameliorates One's Disposition

Researchers have shown that massage treatment can help with a wide range of psychological issues. Stress, mood, and sleep quality can all benefit from a massage.

A rise in serotonin has been linked to massage treatment. Mood and depression can be managed with the aid of serotonin. The chemical dopamine, which helps combat sadness and improves motivation, is also increased with massage treatment.

In yet another study, massage was proven to alleviate depression-related anxiety. Multiple variables, such as cortisol and EEG activity, were analyzed. After having a massage, both cortisol and EEG activity in depressed people dropped significantly.

Decreases Cortisol

The stress hormone cortisol drops after a good massage. Cortisol, also called the stress hormone, controls both blood pressure and blood sugar. In addition to aiding in stress management, it triggers the body's "fight or flight" reaction.

Stress can be greatly reduced with massage treatment. A 60-minute massage has been demonstrated to reduce cortisol levels by 30 percent. Feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine can also be elevated with a massage.

Enhanced circulation is another potential benefit of massage for the cardiovascular system. Massage can also help strengthen your immune system.

Endorphins Are Triggered

Massage stimulates the release of endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitters. Some examples of these are serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. All of these aid in lowering levels of tension and nervousness.

Stress reduction by massage has been demonstrated in several research. This includes reducing blood pressure, enhancing the quality of your sleep, and giving you more energy. It's a wonderful way to unwind.

Pain is another common ailment that massage helps ease. The feel-good chemical serotonin can also be elevated in this way. Mood, anxiety, and self-esteem can all benefit from serotonin's presence.

It also raises levels of the hormone dopamine, which is essential for the functioning of the brain and neurological system. The brain chemical dopamine is often referred to as the "happy hormone." Keeping your dopamine levels up might help you keep a good attitude and get things done.

Slows the Heart Rate

Getting massages on a regular basis has been shown to have positive effects on stress levels and cardiovascular health. The benefits extend to other parts of the body as well.

Different types of massage have different effects on the neurological system, the hormones, and the muscles. Massage has mental health benefits as well as physical ones. Mood-regulating hormones may also be elevated.

The massage therapy used in the experiment lowered heart rates by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. The body may unwind, repair, and rejuvenate in this state. The widening of the blood arteries aids in the circulation of blood throughout the body.

Stress hormones and cortisol, which are directly linked to blood pressure, were significantly reduced in the massage group. It caused a drop in diastolic blood pressure, oxygen consumption, and salivary cortisol levels. The after-effects persisted for another four weeks.

Has a Hypotensive Effect

There are several research showing that massage treatment can help lower blood pressure. The beneficial effects of a massage, meanwhile, may not last around for very long. That's why it's smart to discuss massage with your doctor first.

Stress and tension may often be alleviated with massage treatment. Muscle fibers and blood vessels are both loosened up by the massaging procedure. As a result, the heart rate drops and circulation improves. This lowers the danger of having a stroke or heart attack.

Studies have shown that massage has a beneficial effect on both blood pressure and stress. The stress hormone cortisol, which causes hypertension, is lowered by a massage.

Having Less Fluctuation in Heart Rate

Massage treatment has been proved in several trials to lower cardiovascular stress and disease risk. However, there is a lack of data on the effects of massage on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and how it might be used as a stress-reliever.

The autonomic nerve system (ANS) regulates cardiac function. The fight-or-flight system, which increases heart rate in response to stress, and the rest-and-digest system, which decreases heart rate in response to stress, make up its two main branches.

Heart rate variability, or the amount of variation between successive heartbeats, is raised by the body's "fight or flight" response. The ANS's ability to relax and digest, on the other hand, has been demonstrated to be an efficient stress-buster. Reducing the occurrence and intensity of these autonomic stressors is one way in which massage can alleviate stress.


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