What is the Most Expensive Gemstone Ever Sold?

Gems are rare and precious piece of jewelry and people will often pay high prices for them in the jewelry store. There are many types of gemstones, but one of the most precious is the ruby. During the 20th century, many of these stones were sold for millions of dollars. For example, the ruby Serendibite was once the most expensive gemstone in the world. However, the value of this gem has gone down in recent years.


Alexandrite is a very rare gem. It has the rare elements beryllium and chromium, which are uncommon in gemstones. Unlike emerald, which is a much more common gemstone, alexandrites only occur in rare geological conditions. Its original source was exhausted after a few decades of mining, but more sources have been discovered since the 1980s. However, it remains a rare gem, and its price has remained high.

Alexandrite is a gemstone that changes color under different light. It is the birthstone of June. Gem aficionados often refer to this gemstone as "emerald by day and ruby by night." Its two colors change depending on the type of light and angle of viewing. Natural Alexandrite is greenish blue, while incandescent light makes it reddish purple.


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