How to Choose Vanity Lights?

Vanity lights are an important addition to any bathroom. Not only do they provide bright and even lighting for grooming tasks, but they can also serve as a decorative element in the space. When it comes to choosing vanity lights, there are a few key factors to consider to ensure that you will get the best option for your needs.

Size and Placement

One of the first things to consider when choosing vanity lights is the size and placement of the fixtures.

The lights should be proportionate to the size of the vanity and the surrounding wall space.

For smaller vanities or wall areas, consider using sconces or smaller fixtures. Larger vanities may require multiple fixtures or longer bars to provide sufficient lighting.

It's also important to consider the placement of the fixtures. They should be mounted at a height that allows for even lighting across the face, typically around 75-80 inches from the floor. The fixtures should also be spaced evenly across the width of the vanity to ensure that the entire surface is well-lit.vanity lights and mirrors

Style and Finish

Vanity lights come in a wide range of styles and finishes to suit different decor styles. From modern and minimalist to traditional and ornate, there is a vanity light option to match any bathroom design. Consider the overall look and feel of the space when choosing the style of the fixtures.

The finish of the fixtures is also important. Brushed nickel, chrome, and polished brass are popular options that will coordinate with most bathroom hardware and fixtures. If you have other metallic accents in the bathroom, such as faucets or showerheads, choose vanity lights in a similar finish to create a cohesive look.

Lighting Type

Vanity lights can use a variety of light sources, including incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and LED. Each type of lighting has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to consider your needs and preferences when making a selection.

Incandescent bulbs are traditional and provide a warm, cozy light. However, they are not as energy-efficient as other options and may not last as long.
Halogen bulbs are similar to incandescent bulbs, but they are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan.

Fluorescent bulbs are also energy-efficient and long-lasting, but they may cast a harsh, unflattering light.

LED bulbs are the most energy-efficient and longest-lasting option, but they can be more expensive upfront. They also provide bright, even lighting that is suitable for grooming tasks.

Lighting Intensity

In addition to considering the type of light source, it's also important to think about the intensity of the lighting. For grooming tasks such as applying makeup or shaving, bright, even lighting is essential. Consider fixtures with multiple bulbs or higher-wattage bulbs to ensure that the vanity is well-lit.

If you prefer a softer, more relaxed atmosphere in the bathroom, consider using lower-wattage bulbs or fixtures with frosted or opal glass shades. These options will provide a softer, more ambient light that is suitable for relaxing in the bath or getting ready for bed.

Certification and Safety

When shopping for vanity lights, be sure to look for fixtures that are UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certified.

This certification indicates that the fixtures have been tested and meet safety standards.

In addition, consider the placement of the fixtures and any potential safety concerns. For example, if the vanity is located near the shower or tub, be sure to choose fixtures that are rated for damp or wet environments to prevent the risk of electrical shocks.

In conclusion, choosing vanity lights is a matter of considering size and placement, style and finish, and lighting.


When it comes to choosing vanity lights, there are a few key factors to consider to ensure that you get the best option for your needs. Size and placement, style and finish, lighting type, lighting intensity, and certification and safety are all important factors to consider. By taking the time to carefully consider these factors, you can choose vanity lights that will provide bright, even lighting for grooming tasks and enhance the overall look and feel of your bathroom.


Can vanity lights be used as the sole source of lighting in a bathroom?

Vanity lights are a great source of task lighting for grooming tasks, but they may not provide sufficient lighting for the entire bathroom.

Consider using vanity lights in combination with other light sources, such as overhead lights or natural light, to provide a well-lit space.

vanity lights and a round mirror

Can vanity lights be dimmed?

Some vanity lights are equipped with dimmer switches, allowing you to adjust the intensity of the lighting as desired.

However, not all vanity lights are dimmable, so be sure to check the product specifications before making a purchase.

How do I know what size vanity lights to choose?

The size of the vanity lights should be proportionate to the size of the vanity and the surrounding wall space.

For smaller vanities or wall areas, consider using sconces or smaller fixtures. Larger vanities may require multiple fixtures or longer bars to provide sufficient lighting.

Can vanity lights be installed on a sloped ceiling?

It is possible to install vanity lights on a sloped ceiling, but it may require the use of a sloped ceiling adapter. Be sure to check the product specifications to ensure that the fixtures are compatible with sloped ceilings. It may also be necessary to hire an electrician to install the fixtures.

Author - Olivia Poglianich
Olivia Poglianich          

Content Strategist

Olivia Poglianich is a nomadic brand strategist and copywriter in the wooden crafts and 3D product design space who has worked with brands such as Visa, Disney and Grey Goose. Her writing has taken her all over the world, from a Serbian music festival to a Malaysian art and culture event. Olivia is a graduate of Cornell University and is often writing or reading about travel, hospitality, the start-up ecosystem or career coaching. Her latest interests are at the intersection of web3 and communal living, both on and offline.


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