Since ancient times, people have used wooden items to create, decorate and protect their homes.
Some traditions have remained the same even after thousands of years. For example, skirting wooden boards in our houses.
Even now, we feel more secure and comfortable in interiors with wood, ready to pay for its environmental friendliness and premium.
However, real wood is not always able to withstand long-term use.
Natural wood is replaced by other materials that have a realistic natural look but are not as demanding.
Why Wood Texture is Popular in Design
Wood has been used since the beginning of the design business. Royal palaces were decorated with it, and churches and houses were equipped with it. Nowadays, wood is perceived mainly as a finishing material. Although earlier, it was more often used for construction. According to the paperhelp review, English, Finnish, and Swedish houses and famous Swiss chalets are standards of comfort and prosperity.
Wood is a material with a serious design reputation. Its main advantage is aesthetic appeal and a variety of textures. There are a lot of varieties, shades, and patterns (depending on the cut). This makes it possible to realize interesting design ideas in various styles. In addition, the wood goes well with other materials, which allows you to experiment with combinations. Stone, metal, glass, and plastic look harmoniously next to wooden textures.
In What Styles are Wooden Textures Used?
Today, wooden textures can be found in the most unexpected incarnations.
For example, in high-tech style. You can kill two birds with one stone by combining traditional wood with ultra-modern furniture and decorative items. On the one hand, you can modernize a traditional material, and on the other hand, make restrained minimalist furniture more cozy.

When using wood in the interior, certain rules are followed. First of all, the balance is important. It is easy to overload the space with massive wooden elements. A simple principle applies here: the more wood, the less furniture, and other decorative items. This texture attracts a lot of attention, so it requires a lightness of furnishings and proper accents.
The appearance of the wood cladding depends on the type of finish. It can be varnish, stain, or paint. Pastel shades look laconic and calm.
For example, using light-colored wood allows you to make the interior light and relaxed, like in the Provence or Scandinavian style, leaving the texture.
Light woods do not burden the space and do not oblige. Therefore, they can be safely used to decorate minimalist interiors where there is nothing superfluous.
If the wood is dark, the furniture and decor should be appropriate. Light objects will be lost against the background of such a cladding. For this reason, in classic interiors with a lot of dark wood in the decoration, leather furniture, iron elements, dark textiles, etc., are often used. However, the line is very thin: an interior that is too overloaded will look vulgar, and the beauty of the wood will be leveled.

The dark wood texture works well in loft-style interiors. Here it is most often used for floor and ceiling cladding. Its warm appearance balances the roughness of the loft - raw brick walls, concrete, and iron.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Wood
Natural wood, of course, looks great, but it doesn't always meet the operational requirements.
No matter how well the wood is processed, it will not last long in some rooms. For example, in the bathroom, kitchen, or other areas of high humidity.
A more functional material with all the aesthetic advantages of wood is ceramic tiles with an imitation of wood texture. Modern Spanish and Italian manufacturers create collections that reproduce its pattern and color in the smallest detail. At the same time, the clay from which ceramics are made, as well as special processing, allow the material to remain environmentally friendly.
Nurlana Alasgarli
Content Specialist
Nurlana Alasgarli is a professional copywriter with more than 6 years of creative writing experience. Having lived and experienced all over the world, there are many writing genres that Nurlana follows, including nature, arts and crafts and the outdoors. Nurlana brings life to content creation, captivating her readers.