Ways to Increase Email Click-Through Rates

CTR, aka email click-through rate, shows how engaging your emails are. You need to make these numbers go up. That’s because more people will click through to your landing or product pages and take action.

What are the best practices to increase click through rate of your emails without clickbait dodgy tactics for meaningful results?

No worries. We’ve curated the most efficient hacks to teach you how to improve click-through rate records.

Let’s go! 

Try Different Design Layouts

In most cases, short emails perform better. However, it’s always good to experiment with different formats. Pick email template design options that fit different layouts of your emails to find out what works best for your target audience and message. Emails come in two types of layouts:

  • Single-column. It’s easy to read and good for short messages and clear CTAs.
  • Multicolumn. This layout goes well with emails with different types of content and links to resources and articles.

There is no better choice here. They just serve different purposes, so every message defines which one would be better to pick. For example, a single-column format works great for an event email. It’ll show all the necessary details quickly.  

A multicolumn format works well for thank-you emails. Place helpful resources and links in sidebars and CTAs to get your readers more involved and engaged with your website or business.

Put Your Efforts into Creating Great Copy 

digital device

How to increase email click through rate? It’s all about copy. Yes, it’s really that important. Good copy hooks your readers and makes them do what you want them to do - to click through. 

Write Killer Subject Lines

Seasoned marketers and email copywriters know that the subject line is the first thing that defines the success of your emails. Think about it this way. How will your readers engage with the emails you send them if they don’t open them?

Here are a few hacks on how to improve click rate with your copywriting in subject lines:

  1. Add curiosity to get their interest. However, avoid clickbait. 
  2. Keep your subject lines brief and to the point. You’ve got only 50 characters to fit in. Make the most out of this limit.
  3. Add emotions. Pick just one emotion you’d like your readers to have while reading your subject lines. Create your message with this emotion in mind.
  4. A/B test your headlines. Don’t overcomplicate it. Just send the same email with different subject lines and see which one works best. Get valuable insights and arm yourself with them for your future email campaigns.

What’s next? 

Get to the Point ASAP

Keep fluff away from your email copy. Nobody likes reading unclear, convoluted stuff. Say what you’ve got right away and keep things clear and concise.  

woman holding macbook

Struggle with readability? Hemingway Editor or Grammarly are great apps to help you simplify and improve your writing.

Include a Clear and Benefit-Driven Call to Action

Each email you send to your subscribers should tell them what to do. Sign up for a newsletter, get more information about your offer, share something on social, book a call with your team, purchase a product, etc. Here’s how to make your CTAs effective and clear:

  • Keep your copy in CTAs actionable and brief.
  • Place your CTAs above the fold.
  • Add CTAs 2-3 times to your email for better click-through rates.

Use Buttons

Use buttons to make your CTAs more prominent. Place the links where you want your target audience to go after they click. The design of buttons can also impact CTRs, so make sure your CTA buttons are neat and catchy.

Pay Close Attention to the Timing

Don’t flood your readers with too many emails. It’s a big no-no. They’ll get bored and move you to the spam folder. Send your messages at the right time. This will also increase the open and click-through rates.

  • Time. Most emails perform better if you send them between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm.
  • Test. Find out when your subscribers are active. Then send your emails at that time and A/B test.
  • Frequency. Stick to a certain regular cadence.

Here’s a pro tip. Survey your readers to find out how many times per week they want to get emails from you and what topics they are curious about.

Final Words

Are you still considering how to improve click through rate email performance? Build your strategy on the tips above. Let’s enumerate them once again real quick. Use different design layouts for different purposes. Write killer subject lines. Get to the point ASAP. Include a clear benefit-driven CTA. Use buttons to get more clicks. Take into account timing. 

Author - Fred Felton
Fred Felton          

Content Creator / Editor

Fred Felton is a copywriter, editor and social media specialist based in Durban, South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in creating high end content. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. Currently Fred specialises in the wooden arts and crafts space, focussing on innovative wooden product design. He is also a keynote speaker and has presented talks and workshops in South Africa.


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