Is Wood A Good Roofing Material?

As you probably know, wood roofs aren't the most popular roofing materials. Even though wood is very popular material for other homeware items. This explains why you're likely to wonder whether wood makes the best roofing material or whether you should opt for other roofing alternatives, like asphalt shingles or metal. No matter what material you choose, make sure to purchase a proper home insurance to avoid any unexpected accident.

That said, wood is a good roofing material because it provides aesthetic appeal, efficiency, and sufficient protection in your home. In most cases, wood roofs make an attractive roof out of redwood, pine, cypress, and red cedar trees.

Remember that if they’re not good enough, roofers won't initially choose wood roofs since installing them would cause significant issues with their clients. And in general, a properly maintained wood roof will last for at least 30-50 years.

If you still have doubts about whether wood is a good roofing material, look no further. This article provides an in-depth view of whether the wood is truly suitable as a roofing material.

Once you learn more about wood and its roofing qualities, you’ll be able to decide whether you want to use it for building your dream home. So, let’s get started!

What Are The Different Types Of Wood Used For Roofing?

wooden roof

Before digging deeper and finding out whether the wood is an excellent roofing material, you must know the different types of woods used as the roofing material.

This is crucial to know if you plan on replacing your roof or building a new house; hence, you’ll be able to see how you can use multiple wood roofs to build your home roof.

However, when selecting wood roofing materials, choose weather-resistant, appealing, and durable wood. The following an overview of some types of woods used for roofing:

Teak Shingles

Teak Shingles are another type of wood you should consider for roofing because they’re more durable than other woods. This wood was once used to build large ships. emphasizing its durability. Therefore, consider it in your options because it's easy to maintain and long-lasting, which means it'll serve you for many years without requiring a replacement.

Bear in mind that this wood is medium to dark brown in color. On the other hand, you can choose to have your Teak Shingles with a sawn or sanded texture. However, teak is somehow complicated to sand and more expensive, but its finished impression is beautiful. Moreover, you can give your Teak shingle a sawn texture, which is coarse, but attractive when finished.

Remember that the finishing of this wood rolls down to your preference. Therefore, choose your favorite finishing to give your home a great first impression.

Wallaba Shingles

This is an excellent type of wood roof. It's grown in Brazil, Suriname, and Guyana and has multiple colors ranging from red to brown. Since Wallaba shingles don't undergo chemical treatment, they’re suitable for busy individuals because it’s manageable. Due to Wallaba being wind-proof and moisture-resistant, it would be a perfect choice if you reside in areas where tropical storms frequently occur, such as the coastal region.

If you don't like the finished texture, sand it instead. But it can be costlier since it comes with a service charge. Sawn is another option, which is cheaper and includes extra character, especially from coarse texture.

wood as roof material

Cedar Shingle Roofs

Cedar Shingle is strong and flexible because it's a dependable wood. It also has weather-resistant properties, which makes it a perfect roofing material.

Therefore, if you're a homeowner looking for a cost-effective, humidity-resistant wood roof, consider a Cedar shingle roof.

Likewise, a Cedar shingle adds insulation to your home, making it more energy efficient.

You must understand that this type of wood roof provides a beautiful finish with a uniform texture and fine grain to your roof. Its resistance and strength make it durable. Thus, with proper care and maintenance, a cedar roof can last for 30 years and more. Lastly, Cedar Shingles are environmentally friendly, and can be processed quickly with little energy.

Pine Shakes

Pine shakes are manufactured from ‘The Southern Yellow Pine’ trees. They feature a lighter color, which is unique among all other woods for roofing. Furthermore, chemical treatments are required to prevent bugs from invading them as they decay. Similarly, select pine shake for your roofing. You won't have any say concerning its texture or finish because they’re usually a hybrid between shingles or shakes.

What Are The Advantages of Wood Roofing?

Wooden roofs have a lot of advantages that enhance your property's functionality and overall design. Below are some reasons why you should consider wood as your roofing material:


Many wood roofs have a solid lifespan. Therefore, you must factor in the lifespan when determining the kind of material to use on your roof. Remember, some materials are more durable than others, but if you want a more durable wood for roofing, you must also be willing to invest more. However, most woods have a solid lifespan, which can serve you for 30 to 50 years, especially with proper maintenance.

This means you should not be afraid to invest since a good investment will benefit you for many years. Additionally, many wood shingles are weather-resistant and long-lasting, making them the best option for roofing. Therefore, you must understand that wood shingles offer a robust foundation, more so for durable and stable roofs.

wood for roof

Wood Roofing Is Easy To Repair

The primary advantage of choosing a wood roof for your home is that if you require repair, it's effortless to handle because it gives you an easy time.

Furthermore, replacing wood roofs is a straightforward process, and you don't have to use much money to repair your roof. This explains why it's advantageous to use wood as your roofing material. Similarly, your wood roof will most likely be damaged over time, but maintenance won't cost you much.

Avoid risking your roof structure with handyman repairs. When you want to run maintenance on your wooden roof, opt for a professional roofing contractor qualified for the job. If you do this, you'd have lowered your renovation cost alongside professional maintenance. Last but not least, it might be easy to replace impacted shakes and shingles but bear in mind that the new replacement won't match immediately those that already exist because wood takes time to change color.

Look carefully for roofers. It is very important that they know how to do their job well. We advise you to hire someone like St. Petersburg Roofing Contractors.

It's Much More Efficient With Energy

Wood, unlike other roofing materials, is known for providing efficient energy because of its magnificent thermal resistance. It isn't easy for wood roofs to heat up quickly, which explains why it can protect your home from the sun for quite a long time. Besides, wooden roofs are unique because they don't transfer heat quickly like other roofs. With a wooden roof, you can use the cooling system at an economical and low level. Likewise, this will reduce your cooling bills.

Therefore, if you want a roofing material that can significantly reduce your energy bills, opt for wood. This is because the wood has natural insulating properties, which can help regulate the temperature of your home and lower your energy bills. This is enough reason to choose wood as your roofing material.

roof wood

It Has A Beautiful Appearance

As a homeowner, you'd want to invest in a roofing material that gives your home an exceptional appearance. As a result, many homeowners usually prefer using wooden roofs to give their homes a timeless look. In addition, woods such as

Cedar provide a classic look, which boosts the entire appearance of your home. If you're keen, you probably know that the first thing individuals notice when they visit your home is the roof.

And apart from the roof giving your home a beautiful appearance, it also ages well. This means as years go by, your roof will continue to look better. Choose wood over other materials if you're searching for a roofing material that will make your roof look beautiful. You must also understand that the classic look of wood roofs distinguishes them from other roofing materials. If your home has a rustic design, a wood roof will add a natural feel and impression. However, if you want a variety of shades, you can paint your roof, but many homeowners prefer natural wooden gray, white, and brown tones.

Wind And Fire Resistance

Unlike other roofing materials, wood shingles and shakes have excellent wind resistance. Wood shingles and shakes can't lift during a windy season or condition. Besides, they usually resist warping and strengthen your roofing system.

Similarly, if you fear installing a wooden roof because of fire concerns, worry no more. Nowadays, wood shingles and shakes are pre-treated using fire retardant, making them fire-resistant. But bear in mind that being treated doesn't mean they're fireproof. This means you should always stay alert in case of any fire in your residence.


Wood is a good roofing material if you maintain it properly. If you want roofing materials that require less maintenance, you can opt for other roofing material alternatives, such as metal or asphalt roofs. If you aren't sure what roofing material you should use on your roof.

Find a professional roofing contractor to help you decide what type of roof is suitable for your home. But with this guide, you can undoubtedly conclude that wood is a magnificent roofing material.

Author - Nurlana Alasgarli
Nurlana Alasgarli           

Content Specialist

Nurlana Alasgarli is a professional copywriter with more than 6 years of creative writing experience. Having lived and experienced all over the world, there are many writing genres that Nurlana follows, including nature, arts and crafts and the outdoors. Nurlana brings life to content creation, captivating her readers.


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