A Plastic Surgeon's Guide to Skin Cyst Removal

Skin cysts or a sac-like formation under the skin is a common skin condition in Singapore. These are mostly innocuous, but some can be painful and inflamed.

Sometimes, infection risks also linger. In those cases, a plastic surgeon can recommend surgery for cyst removal.

It's a standard treatment method in which surgeons create a small cut in the skin to clean out the cyst's contents and the entire sac.

After this, the doctors close the area with stitches or keep it open for recovery.

However, all these decisions are based on the diagnosis. The experts first test the site to confirm it's a cyst, not a boil or lipoma. They also investigate it for infection and other potential risks.

If you suspect a skin cyst and want help, visit https://www.wcongplasticsurgery.com.sg/skin-cyst-removal-surgery-singapore/. At the same time, let’s go through a few details related to skin cyst surgery to understand the process and other aspects well.

Skin Cyst Surgery

woman examining skin in small mirror

A plastic surgeon will look at the cyst and conduct an excision biopsy, which involves removing the cyst and taking a tissue for a sample test to detect if it is cancerous. However, the complete removal of the sac with liquid or semisolid matter is referred to as total excision. Because the sac and its contents are removed, the chances of cyst re-growth will be lower.

If there is inflammation or infection on the site, the doctors can recommend drainage or antibiotics first. Once the inflamed cyst settles down, they can eradicate it to deter the symptoms for good.

Surgeries like these can conclude in 20-45 minutes based on the cyst condition and requirement for dressing. You don’t need to stay in the hospital. A plastic surgeon can do this in their clinic and discharge you immediately after the completion of the procedure.

In rare cases, you may have to undergo general anesthesia. Those instances include the position of the cyst in a difficult-to-reach area of the body or its large size.

A Sneak Peek into the Process and More

The procedure begins with local anesthesia given at the surgical site to numb it. After this, a surgeon makes a small cut in the skin near the cyst to clear or remove it. Once done, they suture the area and apply gauze on it, which needs to be changed daily for infection prevention. The sample of the skin cyst goes to the lab to detect cancer risks. Regular follow-ups will happen so the doctor can monitor safe recovery, eliminating any chances of infection. They will also discuss biopsy reports and suggest further tests for malignancy if needed. The wound usually heals in one month, but scars can be there. They can recommend a topical solution for this.

Although it’s a painless process, you can experience mild sensations at the surgical site. Also, cysts generally don't reappear after removal, but exceptions can happen. However, you can expect the reappearance of the cyst if it has only been drained and not eliminated. You can recover well from the surgery by following the doctor's instructions. They can advise you to avoid lifting heavy objects, at least in the first week of surgery.

Author - Olivia Poglianich
Olivia Poglianich          

Content Strategist

Olivia Poglianich is a nomadic brand strategist and copywriter in the wooden crafts and 3D product design space who has worked with brands such as Visa, Disney and Grey Goose. Her writing has taken her all over the world, from a Serbian music festival to a Malaysian art and culture event. Olivia is a graduate of Cornell University and is often writing or reading about travel, hospitality, the start-up ecosystem or career coaching. Her latest interests are at the intersection of web3 and communal living, both on and offline.


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